noun as in actor, actress
Example Sentences
And both have some notable thespian overlaps (hey there, Michael Harney, Matt Peters, Natasha Lyonne, and Pablo Schreiber).
In the installation, the British thespian would sleep in a glass box in the museum with nothing but pillows and a water jug.
Brooding British thespian Henry Cavill (famous to Showtime fans of The Tudors) is on tap as the new Superman.
It is exactly the sort of film one could imagine the promising young thespian from Barefoot in the Park growing up to make.
In the video, Franco recites classic pick up lines in front of a mirror set to the sounds of some deeply thespian tunes.
"One is taken altogether too literally," he complained to his friends in the smoking-room of the Thespian Club.
It was quite exciting being ushered into a private office in the Thespian National Bank.
That she had lost a matter of six hundred and fifty dollars, deposited in the Thespian Bank, was nothing.
In 1812 a third dramatic society called the Thespian Society was organized among the young men and young women of Pittsburg.
The smile he gave me in reply would have made the fortune of a Thespian Mephistopheles.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.