noun as in utility
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noun as in value
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This debate focuses specifically on driver pay and benefits, not on whether the services are useful for consumers.
Getting back to marketing products was necessary not only to be useful but to help boost the economy, agency execs said at the time.
Now let’s check out the top video result, which is from 2013, meaning people have found it useful for more than six years.
This advanced search hack won’t be as useful if you’ve recently started blogging, but it will come in handy if you manage a huge blog that already has a lot of existing content.
They for instance will use useful statistics such as post reach to measure a brand awareness objective.
Eric lobbies for an industry of benign usefulness, non-partisan in nature, and over which no cloud of serious controversy looms.
These non-attitudes, or baseless opinions, can drag the data away from a position of reliability or usefulness.
But other law enforcement groups rallied to justify the usefulness of MRAPs.
The show also provides several moments for Dorian to prove his usefulness to Kennex.
CARS AND TRAINS Plenty were ready to dismiss the usefulness of strange horse-less transportation methods when they first emerged.
But it was not only as an organiser and transmitter of orders that Berthier proved his usefulness to his chief.
His Majesty did not remove Mr. Hutchinson; but the Governor's usefulness, from every point of view, was at an end.
It has more than verified all predictions as to its usefulness, and has proved a blessing to north-west Donegal.
Had the zeal of its public instructors been lessened, or their sphere of usefulness narrowed by this interference?
To pretend that reason can deceive us, is to say that truth can be false, that usefulness can be injurious.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.