noun as in the act of transporting
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in broadcast
Strong matches
noun as in a mechanism for transmitting power
Strongest match
Strong match
Weak matches
noun as in conveyance
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
We can’t change the climate, we can’t change the seasons, so what we have to do is adapt to transmission.
Outside of these hot spots, transmission in China has remained very limited since March.
Only a few bacteria make it into the true germline, but it’s enough to guarantee transmission to the next generation of ants.
The Creek Fire in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, which has scorched more than 78,000 acres, knocked out transmission from a hydro plant on Saturday.
Doing it all without having to shut down electricity service from time to time will require overhauling the state’s antiquated distribution and transmission systems, which could take years and cost billions.
Education controls the transmission of values and molds the spirit before dominating the soul.
They seemed a little creepy to me, particular the song “Transmission.”
These people believe education about HIV transmission mitigates the fears that performers carry.
After all, an enormous amount is known about Ebola and its transmission.
This is evident in the next infrastructure boom unfolding before our eyes: electricity transmission lines.
He intends that he shall take the name of Arden, and earn the transmission of the title, or the distinction of a greater one.
Asbestos rope is used for fire escapes and similar purposes, as well as for the transmission of power over places exposed to heat.
The inherited form of hay fever is explained by the well-known transmission of anaphylaxis to the offspring.
The order ought to be explained by the transmission of a cheque of a value corresponding to that of the stocks to be bought.
There are special envelopes for the transmission of these advices which are sold by the Office to the possessors of cheque books.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.