noun as in neatness
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Example Sentences
Shaving items may no longer be de rigueur in every guy’s daily bag of grooming tricks, but even those aiming for hirsute as a fashion statement could use an electric shaver to keep things tidy.
If you have a smaller living area, keep things relatively tidy, dust and sweep often, or vacuum regularly, you might be able to survive on a smaller bin.
One of the highlights is a Ron Meick lithograph that addresses 2020’s street protests by overlaying rough patterns and freehand scrawls on the tidy grid of a century-old Chicago map.
On my last day in Salinas, I met a grower named Mark Mason just off Highway 101, which cuts the valley in two, and followed him to a nine-acre block of celery featuring a tidy tower of meteorological equipment in the center.
The cherry on top is that after you run them through the wash, they’re easy to fold and they look neat and tidy in your cabinets.
Still, her alert presence disciplines us to tidiness and occasionally develops a bit of comedy.
The landlady came; a fit spirit to rule over such a domain—the beau-ideal of tidiness and good humour.
Tidiness is not a housekeeper's superstition; it is a mechanical device for invoking the spirit of restfulness.
Tidiness is more than a mere virtue, it is an indispensable adjunct to health.
He had hardly ever been here, at Paul's; and he was now struck by the exquisite tidiness of the rooms.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.