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Mike has busted broncos, been tossed by bulls, alienated his former wife with his stoicism and, most recently, taken on various thugs.

To do so, he had to lie that these prisoners hadn’t really wanted better conditions, that they were just violent thugs.

From Time

Starting in 1997, as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Roth held a series of hearings that portrayed IRS agents as menacing thugs.

A militia group called the Kenosha Guard last year created a Facebook event page that encouraged people to “take up arms” and defend the Wisconsin city from “evil thugs.”

Today’s vision of these ancient relations is as distant from old views of Neanderthals—unintelligent cave thugs, the losers of our family tree—as modern astronomy is from the idea of a universe bounded by the Milky Way.

From Time

In his infamous deposition video, you can clearly see that the “thug life” façade is stripped away.

Maybe the thug even used to be you, until you went straight.

Women would refuse to go near any man with thuggish associations, for real—barely a thug could expect to get any action.

I also made a thug chase movie with a bunch of my friends in high school.

The Kremlin loses a useful propaganda tool, but it also eliminates a thug with a lot of Russian blood on his hands.

If we risk ourselves against these fellows, and are victorious, will not every Thug in the land cry Shabash!

After all, Sahib, cannot you now understand the excitement which possesses the soul of a Thug in his pursuit of men?

We hear so much of him, that, by Bhowanee, perhaps an unlucky old Thug like myself may pick up something new.

The old Thug and myself had been bound together, and we were in this state thrust into one of the narrow cells of the jail.

I and another Thug were directed to watch their movements, while the main body went on.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


