Example Sentences
A hoodlum crashes a pool party that not-so-bright Cameron throws in spite of the recent bloody death of one of his friends.
Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum.
Truth is, this drink-crazed madman was a hoodlum gunman from Chicago or Saint Louis, that had lost his nerve.
And so the Elks, for whom the former hoodlum of Barrel Alley had striven and worked and planned, became a complete patrol at last.
He turned a corner and came to a short, heavy hoodlum backing out of a small liquor store with a knife in throwing position.
An egg-sized rock hit the truck behind him and bounced back, just as he spotted a hoodlum drawing back a sling for a second shot.
Gordon got his head up just in time to see a man in police uniform kick aside the first hoodlum and lunge for the other.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.