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How people feel confidence about the telepathic impression they receive is a further mystery.

Jerry Siegel initially conceived Superman as a Nietzschean über-mensch with telepathic powers who was bent on world domination.

It works like a telepathic Internet concierge, hoping to send you along to the most relevant results on the Web.

First you were telepathic and now you have the ability to draw the future.

When they had all seated themselves, Arcot began the telepathic questioning.

Once, before some ancient war of destruction, the people of this planet might have been normally telepathic.

Complete telepathic blankness would have a high survival value.

The table responded poorly; raps were made faintly and as if with reluctance; the telepathic reading of numbers did not succeed.

But deep behind the telepathic barrier he had erected against her probing mind, he was thinking something else.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


