adjective as in psychic
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in sensitive
Strongest matches
adjective as in susceptive
Weak matches
- acute
- cognizant
- conscious
- delicate
- easily affected
- emotionable
- emotional
- feeling
- fine
- high-strung
- hung up
- hypersensitive
- impressible
- impressionable
- irritable
- keen
- knowing
- nervous
- oversensitive
- perceiving
- perceptive
- precarious
- precise
- psychic
- reactive
- receptive
- responsive
- seeing
- sensatory
- sensible
- sensile
- sensorial
- sensory
- sentient
- susceptible
- tense
- ticklish
- touchy
- touchy feely
- tricky
- tuned-in
- turned on to
- umbrageous
- understanding
- unstable
- wired
Example Sentences
Each one takes advantage of the mouth’s supersensitive touch sensors.
In an effort to help make science more inclusive, Shaw and his colleagues have come up with bite-sized molecule models that take advantage of the mouth’s supersensitive touch sensors, which can perceive finer details than our fingertips can.
I greatly fear that she is of too supersensitive a nature to go through the world without trouble.
To his supersensitive watchfulness, McWha was singing that song “jest a purpose to be ugly to the kid.”
She bowed, coldly, so it seemed to my supersensitive imagination, and I replaced the hat and continued my walk.
Lameness is intense and the parts are swollen and supersensitive.
To a highly strung and supersensitive nature like the writer's the strain must have been terrible.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.