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Altogether, the team watched the brain activity of 39 people as they grappled with sticking with their choice or succumbing to peer pressure.

Put an Angus bull on a tropical pasture and “he’s probably going to last maybe a month before he succumbs to the environment,” says Oatley, while a Nelore bull carrying Angus sperm would have no problem with the climate.

Benedict herself succumbed to heart trouble several years later, in 1948.

Instead of succumbing to the frog’s digestive juices, an eaten Regimbartia attenuata traverses the amphibian’s throat, swims through the stomach, slides along the intestines and climbs out the frog’s butt, alive and well.

In the 19th century, soldiers sent to Haiti by Napoleon Bonaparte to quash rebellion succumbed to yellow fever, leading to Haitian independence and Napoleon’s sale of the territory of Louisiana to the United States.

Salia was the third patient to be treated in Nebraska, but the first to succumb to the disease.

Because we are surrounded by a world that demands we submit, succumb, and believe in nothing.

In the 21st century, however, we suppress the magic of it and succumb to the fear of it.

We've already seen Don resist temptation, and succumb to it, and resist it again.

Depending on the strain, anywhere from 50% to 90% of patients succumb within two weeks of infection.

And yet we must go on in one direction or the other or else succumb to sheer lassitude and overpowering drowsiness.

In short, was she or was she not the sort of woman to succumb to his attack?

The people of the expedition must either conquer or succumb.

By the time we had begun our examination Mary began to succumb to her mother's suggestions, and began to feel a trifle indisposed.

In the fort of Attock, Captain Herbert held out for a while, but in the end was forced to succumb.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


