string along with
adjective as in faithful
Strongest matches
adjective as in liege
Weak matches
- affectionate
- allegiant
- ardent
- attached
- behind one
- circumspect
- confiding
- conscientious
- dependable
- devoted
- dutiful
- dyed-in-the-wool
- enduring
- genuine
- hard-core
- honest
- honorable
- incorruptible
- loving
- loyal
- obedient
- on the level
- patriotic
- resolute
- scrupulous
- sincere
- staunch
- steadfast
- sure
- tried
- tried-and-true
- true-blue
- trustworthy
- truthful
- unchanging
- unswerving
- unwavering
- veracious
verb as in approve
verb as in associate
Strong matches
Weak matches
- be friends
- be in cahoots
- buddy up
- bunch up
- come together
- gang up
- get in on
- get in with
- get into
- get together
- go along with
- go partners
- hang around
- hang out
- hang out with
- join up with
- line up with
- pal up
- play footsie with
- run around with
- run with
- swing with
- take up with
- team up
- throw in together
- tie in
- tie up
- truck with
- work with
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.