sovereign state
noun as in country
Example Sentences
So where does this leave the millions of Palestinians—like my relatives—who dream of self-determination and a sovereign state?
The Vatican City became a sovereign state with ownership of key properties in Rome.
Hamas may not govern a sovereign state, as some American and Israeli hawks claim.
“Kuwait is a sovereign state with its own systems and authorities,” he said.
Iraq is now a sovereign state and its power to expropriate Camp Ashraf, after paying appropriate compensation, cannot be doubted.
We do not know with exactness what privileges Rome reserved for herself as sovereign state.
Georgia refused to defend the claim on the ground that she was a sovereign State.
Every sovereign State has and must have the right to judge what persons from abroad shall be admitted.
There is an Assembly of its members to which each Sovereign State may send delegates.
Think of a sovereign State that can make no treaty, that cannot levy war, that cannot coin money.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.