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If you made a drinking game out of CNN’s John King saying “yes, but…,” you would have been more sloshed than a Florida Democrat last night.

From Ozy

I had discreetly sloshed the muck in my Styrofoam cup onto the grass.

If it somehow emerges that he was sloshed in that someone-please-take-his-car-keys kind of way, subtract 20.

And because he adores obscure imported ales, cycling while sloshed felt pretty familiar, too.

As commuting to work by bike gains popularity, are more of us swerving home sloshed after happy hour?

Similar speculation about Zucker and the Post has sloshed around in the blogosphere before.

His thoughts were far inside the earth as he dipped the jug into the clear cool water and sloshed it full.

Rain had sloshed down since midnight so that the gutter in front of me was a turbid little river.

When he went back to the well he sloshed himself thoroughly in the horse-trough and went to the house.

By noon Ermine's mind had been so sloshed and hail-stoned with new ideas that his head was tired.

Twice a comber broke on the quarter and dropped a ton of water, which sloshed about the deck, drenching his feet.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


