

View definitions for sick leave

sick leave

noun as in a leave given for illness

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Part-time workers get proportionate amounts of sick leave and would be eligible for a proportionate additional amount from the fund.

We need to be encouraging leadership, both at the state and federal levels, to protect people, to have paid sick leave for people if they become symptomatic.

Many of them don’t speak English and aren’t granted paid sick leave.

Slaughterhouses, long notorious for their terrible working conditions, have been coronavirus hotspots, in some cases because they responded to the coronavirus crisis by telling employees not to take any sick leave for any reason.

From Vox

If teachers take sick leave Tuesday they could argue they are simply taking paid leave.

Is there any chance the potential 2016 hopeful will stand up to the right and embrace paid sick leave?

Paid sick leave, personhood, you name it, all of them went in the progressive direction, most of them by overwhelmingly margins.

For instance, this year both New York and New Jersey enacted laws guaranteeing paid sick leave to small-business employees.

The revelations may sound absurd to the rest of the world, but in Italy faking sick leave is a national pastime.

The living-wage and paid-sick-leave bills that set progressives and labor against Bloomberg?

The two former were enjoying their month of service on shore, the latter was on sick-leave, but convalescent.

I had taken the doctor to see him, got him out on sick leave, and when he was put back again gave bail for him.

It befell, therefore, that he spent the winter on sick leave in New York.

Were it not my duty to hold out for the benefit of my wife and children, I would certainly apply for sick leave.

They may detain you there, give you a period of sick leave, or invalid you out of the Service.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


