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noun as in vibration

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Editors and producers may additionally find that the Q9U picks up relatively more background noise and reverberation as a result of users sitting further back from the mic, which can pose problems in spaces that lack acoustic treatment.

California’s vast reservoir network, the State Water Project, is delivering only 5 percent of requested supplies to its 40,000 water rights holders, which is sending reverberations throughout the state.

These EQ settings are meant for compensating for the speakers’ placement in a room, the room’s reverberation, or for personal preference.

We end up seeing the reverberations of this final culmination of the relationship playing out across the mythology, where the necromancer devours the cavalier to become a Lyctor.

From Vox

That groundbreaking style found avid fans through its characteristically fulsome reverberation, a quality that played well on radios and jukeboxes, the then-dominant audio-broadcasting technology.

From Fortune

A minute later the street door, four flights down, rang out in jarring reverberation.

The air was calm, and the reverberation rolled far over the forest.

Just before dawn he was assisted in waking by the abnormal reverberation of familiar music.

They were like the reverberation of some far-off tutored circle.

Suddenly a voice boomed at them, like an echo, more than the reverberation that the cave would give.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


