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They planned to rob a reputed marijuana dealer who lived there, but he was not home when they barged in.

High-quality content that comes from the right content marketing mix is not only useful for the audience but also helps brands establish a reputed impression for the target demographic.

One of a handful of established psilocybin retreat centers in the world, MycoMeditations was founded in 2015, and in the years since has seen surging interest in the reputed mental health benefits of psychedelics.

America’s most reputed universities are going all out to protect their international students—and, in-turn, themselves.

From Quartz

For additional support, they even create captivating story highlights for these reputed and well-received products.

As for the notion of a vast right-wing conspiracy, Farah and other reputed members say that it never existed.

This time its “big short” was against the American taxpayer, and the gain was a reputed $2.6 billion.

Before his marriage, he was reputed to have fathered a child by a Filipino woman during his service in that country.

It is reputed to be haunted, and many Collinsport locals look upon the house and its denizens with a mix of suspicion and fear.

Harrenhal: An enormous black-stoned castle that is reputed to be haunted and its owners cursed.

Nothing doubtful or "reputed" ever arrived in the huge packing-cases consigned to Walls End Castle.

Cease ye therefore from the man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for he is reputed high.

The road by which we entered the city took us direct to the Midland Hotel, which is reputed to be the finest in the Kingdom.

She is now engaged in teaching school in that city, in which she is reputed to be successful.

He was a fine gentleman; he was a brave soldier; and he was as yet reputed a skilful general.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


