

View definitions for rectifying


adjective as in amendatory

adjective as in emendatory

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I'm agnostic on affirmative action as a policy matter:it's an unjust way of rectifying a deep injustice.

It has prevented states from rectifying the injuries caused by centuries of racial discrimination.

That resulted in a price imbalance that is only now rectifying itself as newspapers decrease their paper usage.

She complains of being tired out with the labor of rectifying the disorders of John's bachelor establishment.

Yet we are content to hunt for the motives of this inconsistency of belief and action, instead of rectifying it!

Man, who has a natural desire to knowledge, began by rectifying, and demonstrating the errors of the senses.

She pointed out to me several small defects which required adjusting and rectifying.

Why is it that our present apparatus cannot produce good results in rectifying alcohol?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


