prop up
verb as in encourage
Strong matches
Weak matches
verb as in inspirit
Strong matches
Weak matches
verb as in reinforce
Example Sentences
They see themselves being set up as a sacrifice for a U.S. policy meant to prop up Iraq.
An important enabler of this abuse is the shrugs of the untouched, whose rising shoulders prop up the toxic world.
And the business of science, medicine, and faith itself is to restore or at least to prop up hope, that most complex vapor.
The Central Bank of Russia spent $25.8 billion to prop up the ruble.
Russia is pouring massive sums of money and arms into Syria to prop up Assad.
Must one, even in this desolate place, kow-tow to the conventions devised to prop up the weak and untrustworthy?
The immortal creations of the chisel were used to prop up old crumbling walls.
Sometimes she will wear both ruff and collar, the ruff underneath to prop up her collar at the back to the required modish angle.
But it is of first importance quickly to gather and prop up the dead.
You can prop up the wagon and carry the wheel there on horseback.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.