


Definition for problem-solving

adjective as in analytic

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analytical, investigative

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“These are problem-solving products but that incorporate technology in a really subtle, unobtrusive way,” she says.

And it is a “problem-solving populism” that marries the twin impulses of populism and progressivism.

“We want a Republican Party that returns to problem-solving mode,” he said.

Problem-solving entails accepting realities, splitting differences, and moving forward.

It teaches female factory workers technical and life skills, such as literacy, communication and problem-solving.

Problem solving with class discussion is absolutely essential, and should occupy at least one third of the entire time.

In teaching by the problem-solving method Professor Lancelot 22 makes use of three types of problems.

Sequential Problem Solving is written for those with a whole brain thinking style.

Thus problem solving involves both the physical world and the interpersonal world.

Sequential Problem Solving begins with the mechanics of learning and the role of memorization in learning.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


