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The goal is to raise $250,000 in 30 days to build Sporobot, the mosquito-dissecting robot.

Just think of the time, and the energy, and the money devoted to dissecting this constitutional relic.

You start dissecting the campaign, what did we do wrong, was there ever a chance to win against Clinton.

There is nothing hypothetical about Israeli colonies dissecting and bisecting the West Bank and constantly growing.

Glamorous Muscovites have made a sport out of dissecting her appearance at public outings, which are increasingly rare these days.

He scarcely took time to dine respectably; indeed, he often ate his lunch in the dissecting-room.

He returned voluntarily to the dissecting-room, and wrapped himself in the uncouth work.

The dissecting knife, the forceps, and the microscope can render us no aid here.

The witness then proceeded to describe the external appearances of the body, and its appearances in the dissecting.

Its innoccuous nature, and its freedom from any corrosive action on dissecting instruments.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


