
View definitions for parting shot

parting shot

noun as in derision

noun as in gibe

noun as in Parthian shot

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Example Sentences

But Morris declined to take a parting shot, instead expressing gratitude to Ailes for making him a rich man.

A loud cheer arose from our decks: a parting shot was given her from our gun, and in two hours darkness hid her from our sight.

It was Mrs. Codling who, brave to the last, and woman-like, gave the parting shot.

With that as a parting shot, he returned to his seat, leaving the three boys wondering just who he might be.

And with that parting shot Paul went on his way to his own desk, leaving the office-boy greatly puzzled.

But why had that impossible young American ruined a pretty compliment by her parting shot?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


