adjective as in beaten
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by too many moving parts, so be patient and give your body the time it needs to absorb a skill before turning to the next one.
When temperatures rise, however, the vibrio begins reproducing rapidly, overwhelming the protective commensals.
At first, he and his colleagues called to check on the students who weren’t logging on, but the calls only further overwhelmed their parents and guardians, roughly half of whom are foster parents.
When this lands as a standard feature down the line, it will likely appeal to real-estate photographers and others who shoot in a mixture of indoor and outdoor settings where contrast can overwhelm a camera’s dynamic range.
One example of an immediate problem Meyerriecks says the agency faces is being overwhelmed by the amount of data it collects.
However, tradition overwhelmed the legal victory, and she sadly succumbed to the intense pressure to marry her attacker.
We are overwhelmed with data from every quarter, and our capacity to filter fact from fraud is limited.
The low crunch of packed dirt against rubber tire was overwhelmed by the ragged explosions of automatic gunfire.
When Singh finally showed up at the front door of his home in Amritsar, his family was overwhelmed with relief.
When you land in Fort Mac, a town of 100,000, you immediately are overwhelmed by the slickness of the brand new airport.
He was sheriff of Paris, 1770, and employed his leisure in objects of benevolence, till the revolution overwhelmed him.
The door was open, and the woman and the child stood dumbfounded and overwhelmed in a scene of incredible desolation.
Mrs. Ducksmith, who had sat with overwhelmed head in her hands, started bolt upright, and looked at him like one thunderstruck.
He didn't understand her but the thrill of what was to come overwhelmed him, and in the next instant he held her in his arms.
A sharp fight ensued, but the Americans, overwhelmed by the mass, had to retreat to Narvican.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.