noun as in short, light sleep
noun as in grain of material
verb as in take a short, light sleep
Example Sentences
An accidental polyphasic sleeper, Bartiromo rests in naps rather than eight-hour chunks like the rest of us.
Longer naps will take you into the deep-sleep stage and leave you feeling groggy instead of energized upon waking up.
In bed, Talullah found Naps an alarming, exciting advance on her sexual education.
In contrast to gentle Eva, Naps liked to draw a little blood in bed, to bruise and be bruised in return.
There was just enough room for a desk and chair and a small daybed for naps.
I am not fool enough to put my precious Naps in jeopardy, just when I am so deucedly in want of them, too.
In fair weather he took his frequent naps on the turf above his master, or he sat on the fallen table-tomb in the sun.
In the afternoon after their naps Mother and Father always enjoy a walk back on the farm.
It was always sinking forward; and he woke from naps without being sure that he had been asleep.
I've had to keep going, and take these poor little pick-me-ups of cat-naps whenever I can get them; but why?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.