noun as in tooth
noun as in tooth
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Example Sentences
Miniconus jeanninae was distinguished by an unusual extra cusp on its molars.
Conacodon hettingeri is set apart from its close relatives by several features, including a comparatively short lobe on its last molar.
The mammoth DNA was extracted from three molars unearthed in the 1970s from permafrost in northeast Siberia.
That’s how the team found the kitten’s unerupted molars, a clue that this cat was less than five months old.
That’s how the team found the kitten’s unerupted molars, a clue that the animal was under five months old.
The weights themselves give us directly their gram-molecular or molar weights.
For the purpose of comparison the activity and the conductivity of molar hydrochloric acid are both represented by 100.
The concentrations are figurative, but may be taken to represent actual concentrations, such as 0.015 molar, etc.
All the bases were used in 0.025 molar concentration, and their degrees of ionization are given in the last column of the table.
In the following table180 are given the molar conductivities, (column 2), of acetic acid of varying concentrations, m (column 1).
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.