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I refuse to be repeatedly mistreated especially by someone who claims to love me.

For Barfi, the whole controversy is part of a pattern by an Obama administration that has mistreated several families of hostages.

He could not shake the image of that forlorn, mistreated horse.

There are too many kids out there suffering from bullying, rejection, or simply being mistreated because of who they are.

The beggars and pups program drew fire from animal rights activists who worried the foster dogs might be mistreated.

If thine enemy offend thee present him with a black bear cub that has been mistreated.

The cur had mistreated you in some way, and I could not stand it!

She tossed the hat, which she had so mistreated, on a chair, slipped off her jacket and started for the kitchen.

He was not mistreated except in rare cases which did not become rarer under the Bureau.

According to it, one would think all those killed or mistreated were Radicals.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


