Example Sentences
In other words, fluoride is a broad-spectrum, bipartisan, long-lasting magnet for dissent.
“It's the ultimate reward that's really long-lasting,” Kent says.
Once a girl's self-esteem is crushed, the effects are far reaching and long lasting.
This one, as the name implies, involves ingesting the long-lasting hallucinogen with the power to interrupt her addiction.
With Gear 2, Gear Neo, and Gear Fit, Samsung is pushing lightweight hardware with long-lasting battery life.
To the long-lasting sorrow and disgrace of Portugal, the philosophers blinded her king and flattered her Prime Minister.
The planet's influence is not quite so evil as Saturn's, nor are the effects produced by it so long-lasting.
The Cleveland Venezuela message came at a time of no nervous strain and did, I think, produce no long-lasting effect.
To the long-lasting sorrow and disgrace of Portugal, the philosophers blinded her king and flattered her prime minister.
Blessed and long-lasting be thy carnation ribbon, O man of more than wit, much more than virtue—of fortune!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.