noun as in beacon
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in guide
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in guide
noun as in model
noun as in North Star
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Citizenship and dignity—these are the lodestars of civil rights legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race or disability or other human difference.
Invoking Wilberforce allows conservatives like DeMint to pretend that he, not Calhoun, is their moral lodestar and inspiration.
Every man must have a woman as a lodestar; you are to be that to me.
"Lodestar" really was a good word for the attraction, I thought, and I would repeat it to the chauffeur.
The lodestar of his hopes is liberty, his main end the establishment of "a free commonwealth."
She was immediately spellbound by Franz's music, and he became the lodestar of her dreams.
What do they say up in the carbonate camp about the Lodestar business?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.