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Interest in outdoor recreation is at an all-time high in British Columbia, leading to crowds, litter, braided trails, and unnecessary searches and rescues.

According to street lore, their mother died the night they were born and only three of the litter survived.

The firm manages animals selected to be the healthiest and fastest growing, and to have the largest litters.

Beach runners might be tempted to go barefoot, but stray rocks, shells, and other forms of litter and debris can wreak havoc on your feet, so it’s in your best interest to keep them covered.

These worms can reduce a forest’s leaf litter by 95 percent in a single season, he’s found.

My Twitter feed was quickly littered with tweets defending Cosby.

The comedian was right to call out Bill Cosby, but his material is littered with jokes about rape.

The British aristocracy is littered with stories of unmitigated spendthrifts who seem bent on self-destruction.

Glass fragments from windows, street lamps, car windshields, and theater marquees littered the streets like confetti.

Israeli bullet casings littered the floors of the entrances to residences that were transformed into stucco barracks.

But a doctor Faustus, in his cell littered with books and instruments of alchemy, would love always to have a cat for a companion.

The floor was littered with paper and proofs; on the desk a slip of galley proof lay.

A lamp burned in the kitchen, showing a dirty brick floor and a littered table—such a house as men keep, untidy and unhomelike.

She raised her eyes, still with the same strange yet flaming quiet, from the littered floor to his face.

And at that time Nona came from the cabin, and called me, looking wonderingly at the arrows that littered the deck at her feet.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


