adjective as in debauched
Strong matches
noun as in debauched person
Weak match
Example Sentences
Because it is this libertine, freewheeling character that you were inhabiting.
Prince may have pranced around like a carefree libertine onstage, but in rehearsal he was more drill sergeant than sprite.
In this way, bisexual is code for libertine, which is something else altogether.
Game of Thrones had an overly sensual libertine while House of Cards had a manipulative psychopath.
And they were both these libertine figures during their lives.
She sought to arouse what attention she could by running for governor as the most libertine of libertarians.
The young scholar always allows himself a number of libertine sonnets, and we avow it is particularly disagreeable to us.
I doubt it, sire, and I advise you to send away this libertine St. Luc, who is resolved not to amend.
He knew absolutely nothing about her except the story she told of childish innocence and the whims of a selfish libertine.
Thus, under a libertine prince, the destinies of France were at the mercy of a valet de chambre.
A man whos got a code of morals is moral, whether hes a libertine, a horse thief or—a minister.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.