

View definitions for latter


adjective as in latest, concluding

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That latter fear crossed my mind more than once during the evening.

In both of these latter cases, their eyes show more focus than fun, like tonight is a job.

The former is controlled by the Palestinian Authority, the latter by the government of Israel.

The former believed in the role of the state as a provider, while the latter favored an iron fist approach to governance.

The trouble was, he alienated Pope Pius VI and Pius VII—the latter he actually arrested.

Mrs. Woodbury paints in oils and water-colors; the latter are genre scenes, and among them are several Dutch subjects.

Without the former quality, knowledge of the past is uninstructive; without the latter, it is deceptive.

The latter trod on the toes of the former, whereupon the former threatened to "kick out of the cabin" the latter.

Give not up thy heart to sadness, but drive it from thee: and remember the latter end.

He passed the latter part of his life in poverty, and towards the close of it, was confined in a madhouse.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


