
View definitions for grouped


adjective as in graded

adjective as in organized

adjective as in ranked

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Some 32,800 traffic convictions (including DUIs) are grouped together with more serious crimes.

The first two and the second two can be reasonably grouped together as “basically support the law” and “basically oppose the law.”

The hats have been grouped according to categories, like pink hats and blue hats, which are displayed in the kitchen.

Small donors, of less than $200, are grouped together in un-itemized donations.

They are divided into two classes: “single-shell” and “double-shell,” and grouped into large sections called “tank farms.”

There are five general heads under which the characteristics to be sought may be grouped.

A small but beautiful river debouches from the lake at its west end, and the town is grouped around this outlet.

I found there, however, a piece of unmistakable chrysotile, grouped amongst a miscellaneous lot of American minerals.

They were grouped now at the other end of the long, low chamber, by the door leading to the interior of the inn.

While the others stood grouped about that still figure on the floor, Sergeant Burton entered the little office.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


