green light
Example Sentences
Initial studies also got the green light to begin mapping the seafloor, investigating drilling needs, and looking into the project’s impact on wildlife.
Specifically, when participants’ recovery scores reached 67 percent and above, they got the green light to take on the day’s scheduled workouts.
While it could give the project the green light, it also could rule against building it.
In November, Eat Just, the maker of Just Egg, became the first firm anywhere to receive regulatory approval for selling cultivated meat, after being given the green light in Singapore for its lab-grown chicken.
We asked to interview them for this series and eagerly await a green light from Fox News.
Everyone has a green light, and our goal every game is to get 100 points.
NBC stumbled onto a monster of a television show when it gave the green light to Friends in 1994.
In addition to the green light for the rape, the village council also ordered the woman to marry one of her attackers.
No one—not the United States and definitely not the United Nations—is going to give Israel that kind of open-ended green light.
By allowing the Alessandra Bernarolis to stay married, it essentially has given the green light to civil unions.
A mile and more away, in a great shaft of green light from which all other craft kept clear, a tremendous shape was dropping.
"No al fresco dining tonight," said John, as the darkening sky was veined by a sudden spray of blue-green light.
"The Bassetts' dock is the green light; the red, white, and blue is Mrs. Owen's," explained the captain.
She would doubtless see more of her now: the green light and the red, white and blue were very close together.
For there, high up, was the green light of a distant rocket.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.