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A key witness in that case offered testimony that experts concluded was false.

Some questioned why patients with mental health conditions so rarely receive discounted passes despite testimony from their doctors.

In his testimony, he noted that models he’d studied assumed a person’s race incorrectly 25% of the time.

USPS declined to comment and referred Fortune to DeJoy’s testimony.

From Fortune

The decision came after about two hours of contentious testimony in a virtual public hearing on August 18.

When do we stop and start believing Jay, the person whose testimony upon which the state of Maryland relies?

According to court testimony by the lead NCIS investigator, it contained various mobile phones and even valuable letters.

Who even needs a court of law, let alone victim testimony, now that we have the hashtag?

The jury met in secret for months gathering testimony from witnesses, including from Pantaleo.

All of their testimony has been accepted by the court, and most of it casts blame squarely on their captain.

All parties have borne testimony to the value of his services, and the eminence of his talents.

On this point, I have the testimony of eye-witnesses of diverse sentiments and of unimpeachable character.

The Washington manual laborer school and the Howard institution can bear testimony to his industry and patriotism.

Wellington himself bore testimony to Soult's virtues, maintaining that of the Marshals he was second only to Massna.

Few knew—in fact maybe only one other, and that was her husband—or appreciated how much that false testimony had cost her.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


