

View definitions for goop


noun as in fluid

noun as in liquid

noun as in sludge

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Plus, Jada’s show airs on Facebook and Gwyneth is in charge of goop, both of which have come under fire for harmful practices and, in the case of the former, destroying democracy.

From the thread stage all the way up to the hard crack stage, the consistency of this sweet goop is vitally important to the end product.

Even if you’re not swapping tires, this is a perfect time to take them off, scrape out any old, dried sealant, and replace it with fresh goop.

Without turning on the heat, mix these three ingredients in the larger pan until you’ve got a grainy goop.

Turn the heat under the larger pan to medium-high and don’t touch the goop.

Of course, much like in the Gwyneth and Chris non-divorce, we imagine that some private goop hit the fan behind the scenes.

God knows I would expect to be hated daily if I invented GOOP.

So why do we still love her but disapprove of all things GOOP?

But my apologies: I actually have to run back to the Goop Pop-Up for a second.

Top it with sweet and savory goop, and proclaim a new era in the world of pizza.

His breakfast grew so very cold, This lazy Goop began to scold; And then he blamed his mother, kind!

The next morning, Perry found himself desperately embroiled in ordering more goop for the three-d printers.

They shipped out new DiaBs with only half a load of goop, so that the first purchase would come fast.

The smell of goop and fuser and heat filled the room, and an air-conditioner like a jet-engine labored to keep things cool.

So Jane had to go and explain to her friends, And that is how many a Goop party ends!


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


