go by
verb as in elapse
verb as in adopt, conform
Example Sentences
Now this was the first time that I had supposed dead deer come to life and give me the go-by, though it was not the last time.
"He's one of your old fellers as you've give the go-by to, I kind of suspicion, Sis," replied the young man with a laugh.
We had already given one or two the go-by, when we heard a clattering of hoofs close behind us, and the well-known cry, "G'lang."
They beckoned very urgently for us to come ashore, but I acted as if I did not understand them, and gave them the go-by.
To avert this catastrophe, Winnie determined to give the go-by to coy modesty.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.