noun as in insurgent
Strongest matches
noun as in insurrectionary
Weak matches
- agitator
- anarchist
- antagonist
- apostate
- demagogue
- deserter
- disectarian
- dissenter
- experientialist
- experimenter
- guerrilla
- heretic
- iconoclast
- independent
- individualist
- innovator
- insurgent
- insurrectionist
- malcontent
- mutineer
- nihilist
- nonconformist
- opponent
- overthrower
- recreant
- renegade
- resistance
- revolter
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- rioter
- schismatic
- secessionist
- seditionist
- separatist
- subverter
- traitor
- turncoat
noun as in insurrectionist
Strong matches
noun as in rebel
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in revolutionist
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The loss was indeed serious; for the young orator was far more than a frondeur.
By this repressive policy the frondeur spirit of the Noblesse was revived, and it has continued to exist down to the present time.
Then suddenly he added, "Apropos, have you heard that Eugne has become one of the leaders of these frondeur madmen?"
Some one had once called him a frondeur; he was greatly delighted with that name.
Guy Patin is, in short, a systematic grumbler, a regular frondeur; but it is chiefly in talk and speculation.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.