noun as in argument
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in clincher
Strong matches
noun as in polemic
Strongest match
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It is also the view of Rick Santorum, the second-place finisher in the 2012 Republican nomination contest.
The outcome left the drama-hungry press to focus on the second-place finisher.
However, whether Newton was satisfied or not, this conversazione was a finisher to Dr Feasible, who resigned the contest.
She then obtained employment as a finisher in a skirt factory, where her best wage was $7.
When a lap is delivered from the finisher picker, it should weigh a given number of ounces per yard.
It is quite light and thin, and when blocked or otherwise, and dried, is then ready for stiffening by the finisher.
After receiving a coat of size and one of varnish, this body will be ready, like the other FUR body, for the finisher.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.