adjective as in filthy
adjective as in rotten
Example Sentences
“These samples therefore represent, to our knowledge, the oldest known positive identification of human fecal matter,” wrote Candela and his colleagues.
Every person on the planet, with a few strange exceptions, finds fecal material something they want to stay away from.
With another experiment, Chandran is trying to find the right combination of microbes that will turn organics from fecal sludge into fuel, which could theoretically be used to help power homes.
Twenty people eventually died and nearly 600 were diagnosed with the virus, which is spread when a person ingests trace amounts of fecal matter from a person who’s infected.
Early in the pandemic, scientists discovered that fecal matter contains bits of the genetic material from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, up to a week before a person tests positive.
There was poop humor—literally—when Valerie's house becomes flooded with fecal matter after a pipe bursts.
Polio is an enterovirus (lives and is replicated in our intestines) that is spread via fecal-oral transmission.
The army met the stone-throwing with a fecal-smelling concoction called "skunk" and later with tear gas.
Salmonella is spread through the fecal matter of animals and humans.
Larger amounts, not well mixed with fecal matter, indicate inflammation of the large intestine.
A sufficient amount of mucus or fecal matter will usually be brought away by it.
After digestion has taken place, the fecal matter collects in the main intestine and is forcibly ejected by the pharynx.
Despite the daily movement, there may be considerable fecal matter left in the bowel which undergoes decomposition.
The19 initial presence of these bacteria in milk is indicative of fecal contamination or unclean conditions of production.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.