adjective as in inflamed
adjective as in rotten
Example Sentences
You could argue that was the moment when this resentment that had been festering abroad finally hit home.
Not surprisingly, McAuliffe hammers away on this sore point, leaving Cuccinelli trailing and the story festering.
An outburst of tears can result in a healthy and productive airing out of a situation that has long been festering.
Oh my God, if you could think of anything that would put salt on an already festering wound.
Until THE DECISION when their festering hate for him finally became justified.
The sanitary effect upon the festering disputes of our time would be incalculably great.
He carries a strange, festering sore within him and that poisons his whole blood.
To have a festering wound and to be able to show the wound to no surgeon, is wretchedness indeed!
He's just a basketful of festering, pestilent corruption, provided for the support and entertainment of microbes.
I have kept my singularly repulsive infirmity of body, and to it I have added a mind festering with foul memories.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.