

View definitions for exporter


noun as in shipper

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It says exporting an iMovie project could be up to three times faster on the new Air compared to the old one.

Governments must either disclose the destination, items, value, and licensing decisions for cyber-surveillance exports or make public the decision not to disclose those details.

Denmark is the world’s largest mink producer, with exports typically headed for the fashion industry in Asia.

From Fortune

The government early in the pandemic stockpiled all domestically produced face masks and banned export.

From Fortune

The EU—which accounts for over half of global exports—sent a majority of its used cars to countries across west and north Africa.

From Quartz

In truth, no one really knows what will happen if America once again becomes a major energy exporter.

Far from it, the continent had become a security “exporter,” contributing peacekeeping forces around the world.

Dan Gross on the rise of the American University as an exporter.

Once a major exporter of people to the Union states, today the migration tide flows the other way.

Once a major agricultural exporter, Egypt ranks now as the world's largest importer of wheat.

Cornwall was then, as now, the sole exporter of tin; and the exportation of its copper was just beginning.

Not that the price to the Chinese receiver would increase; the dues must fall upon the exporter.

Consequently Japan presents the odd phenomenon of being at once an exporter and a large importer of rice.

California is already a large exporter of gold as merchandise.

A fall of 10 per cent only in the price of boots would cause every wholesale boot exporter to export on the largest scale.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


