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She apparently sees them—in concert with America, Israel, and NATO—as the ever-present, ever-guiding hand behind current affairs.

The comfort of the ever-present digital existence translates to knowing others feel the same placation.

Adeptness in the performance of our values must be ever-present, but identifying and sticking with those values come first.

Mendoza then approached Colombian contractors, but they were far too intimidated by the ever-present menace of Escobar.

Yet, for many women, and in some ways for all women, it is an ever-present reality.

Food is largely made up of canned goods and the ever-present farina, a sort of tapioca flour.

It was ever-present, implacable and sinister, yet so long as its fetters held, easily controlled.

Now, under that firm, knowing touch he felt some of the ever-present fear subside, felt a relaxation.

This refreshing and ever-present fountain of life flows for all.

Thus she toiled in the face of ever-present danger, threatened always with hostile Indians, cruel Tories and British soldiers.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


