Example Sentences
My mother was born on VE Day, her bones still untainted by the nuclear bombs that would come a few months later, ushering in a new epoch.
These days, his legacy can be seen in the work of artists such as Chloe Wise and Beth Salvini, who now hold the torch as some of our epoch’s most important fake food sculpturesses.
A central feature of cosmology, as we commonly understand it, is an epoch known as inflation, thought to have taken place in the first fractions of a second after the Planck epoch, itself a mysterious regime.
During this epoch, the balloon deflates modestly, but the real work is done by a drastically shrinking horizon.
During the Pleistocene epoch, which ended about 11,700 years ago, Milankovitch cycles sent the planet in and out of ice ages.
At the same time, it is the hallmark of brilliant people whatever their civilization, epoch, or area of expertise.
As I said, Balzac wrote about an epoch that is curiously like our own.
From time to time the state would crack down, most spectacularly during the fascist epoch.
Eulogizing Vidal was to eulogize the now long-gone epoch he typified.
Prague Fatale is authentic because Kerr can muffle the horror of this epoch in dramatic irony but he can also shout it out loud.
So it came to pass that another change came into his life, hence another epoch in the unusual life was his.
Science teaches that man existed during the glacial epoch, which was at least fifty thousand years before the Christian era.
This epoch-making invention, introduced in 1832, rendered possible extraordinary developments.
Such are the characteristics, says this enthusiastic admirer of these productions of Steiner's third or last epoch.
Under such auspices dawned the year 1861, destined to inaugurate a new epoch in the life of Tchaikovsky.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.