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Even though this is an energizing method, you still want to breathe in and out through your nose.

But it also shows an optimism that should be genuinely bracing and energizing for Americans of all ages.

Unique Tool The five elements of “Centered Leadership”: meaning, framing, connecting, engaging, and energizing.

Politically, an upholding could well just end up energizing the right wing to come out and vote in huge numbers.

The obvious things—energizing the youth vote and the liberal- donor base—are true enough.

The moral force of the energizing passion became overwhelming and supreme.

He has written me exhaustive letters, and seems to be outdoing even you in the amount of energizing which he puts forth.

He had given himself an energizing hypodermic,—he had never done that before,—and had gone into it.

Joan was not the only one to whom the sparkle of the irrepressible Irishman's wit and humor was an energizing boon.

The museums were an inspiring and energizing force, for here the best work could be exhibited and studied.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


