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adjective as in causing trouble, confusion

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In the past year since the directorate was launched, the NSA called out nation-state hackers, warned of new strains of disruptive malware and advised on how to patch or mitigate major vulnerabilities.

It might be a little less bright, but for all intents and purposes, it’s just as disruptive to astronomical observations—for potentially the entire night.

However, it could also be disruptive of the review economy in a very positive way.

The pandemic’s disruptive force has spurred transformational change in our organization, as well as in many others.

From Fortune

Covid-19, however, has been disruptive enough to shake them up, and companies are trying to take advantage.

From Quartz

One of the most disruptive forces to the market in recent years is DISH.

“I have a very disruptive personality for the industry,” he says.

On the surface, In Situ appears less disruptive than its alternative, but this is only an illusion.

Uber and Airbnb—the most successful services of their kind—are “disruptive” innovations.

So she made changes that have transformed the Times online; is that what her critics mean when they allege she was disruptive?

A flash of lightning is a disruptive electrical discharge upon a grand scale.

One cannot view with equanimity that which appears to be totally disruptive of one's dear little system of living.

By this difficult and dangerous process, the gunpowder is confined, and the disruptive effect produced.

It was all too ridiculous, the introducing of disruptive foreign substances into the bodies of little black men-folk.

Dynamic influences have a decisive effect upon cohesion and disruptive tensions.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


