Example Sentences
Among the latter group, I think the heightened salience of the peaceful transfer of power and the civic violation of the insurrection changed things.
I, of course, am wearing one — for my own protection and as a civic duty.
It is specifically worded to encompass all kinds of civic activities, including lobbying legislators and interning in political offices.
One of the most important strands of our founding ideology is civic republicanism.
Lindell was “permanently suspended” for repeatedly violating the company’s civic integrity policy, a Twitter spokeswoman told The Washington Post on Tuesday in an email.
Instead, straighten your civic backbone and push back in clear conscience.
Vlad Burlutskiy is a civic and political activist from Russia who fled the country last year due to increasing threats.
Moral clarity would dictate that civil-rights and other civic leaders would speak out against such a senseless act of violence.
Now that giving thanks to God no longer plays a prominent role in American civic life, Whom or What do we thank on Thanksgiving?
Such is the difference between life in the civic textbooks and life in tea-party America.
But those I speak of, the best women of every small town, are constantly active in civic affairs.
Who has not copied the Parthenon as the severest in its proportions for public buildings for civic purposes?
Two of these cities, Berlin and Paris, are splendid examples of what can be done where there is plenty of civic pride.
We can also understand the eagerness with which the Roman welcomed a respite from civic and social duties.
And, let me tell you, the rural cuisine of France far excels the civic cuisine that we sometimes meet with out of France.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.