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We don’t know if this research on the 1960s uprisings can be perfectly generalized to protests today, when the circumstances, political climate, and population are different.

From Vox

Emergency use authorization gives physicians permission to use an experimental therapy in certain circumstances.

This time, China and India are expected to see dramatic contractions in their economies, placing a young consumerist generation in the circumstances their ancestors once faced and setting the stage for a potential revival of the savings culture.

From Ozy

In most circumstances, these two would be shoo-ins for their national teams.

From Ozy

They bring valuable socialization and fitness opportunities to kids whose mental and physical health might have suffered otherwise, not to mention a safe space for children living in dangerous circumstances.

From Ozy

Certainly my instinct is to identify with the police, no matter the circumstance.

The union does not under any circumstance condone violence of any kind, including against police officers.

If a product is beautiful, why do you need all that pomp and circumstance?

Instead, there was a high school band striking up the Elgar march “Pomp and Circumstance.”

But Paul Newman—who now, finally, is none of these people—is clearly at home with his current circumstance: as no one but himself.

Which latter circumstance he begged Mr. Perker to note, with a glowing countenance and many marks of indignation.

A similar circumstance has occurred on the seashore at Hoy Lake, Cheshire, where several "fairy pipes" have been found.

This circumstance had made her feel a deeper interest in Gilbert, and had quickened her friendship into love.

Her money-bags had been filled in Manchester, and from time to time in her history you are reminded of this circumstance.

If you wish, I will send a copy of the certificate of the duty done by this engine, which states very minutely every circumstance.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


