


Definition for buddy

noun as in friend

Strong matches

intimate, pal, sidekick

Weak match


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Example Sentences

A Dupont resident said he has a hookup buddy with whom he spends time because it’s pandemic-safe and convenient.

The more friends and battlefield buddies ISIS shot dead or rocketed or beheaded, the more motivated she and her forces grew to shove these men out of their town and to hand them their first military defeat.

From Time

That’s a technique used by Buddy’s, the beloved chain of his youth whose recent expansion has helped fuel the craze for Detroit’s pies, and can keep the dough from being weighed down while it bakes.

I was more concerned about spending the day with my buddy, which was probably helpful because he was a funny dude.

Grab a buddy One major point of this trip is to bond, and you know who in your circle loves winter and snow as much as you do.

Willingham soon suspected his buddy was involved in bad stuff.

One day they were trying things out and started playing old Buddy Holly songs.

So the Beatles had recorded that Buddy Holly song many times?

For instance, the Beatles rendition of Crying, Waiting, Hoping, the great Buddy Holly song.

Alas, there will be no buddy movie to capture the Abramson/McConnell rapport.

Buddy Pigg slipped out of a back window, and ran home with his tail behind him.

He confers with his buddy as to how to win Baby, the belle of Dark City.

How Baby wished you were there to see little baby, says Buddy.

"It's your mammy's faith, all the same, Buddy," said the father gravely.

His name is Buddy Jones—tha's whut it tis—and I 'members him when he wam't nothin' but jes' de same ez de mud onder yore feet.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


