
View definitions for black and white

black and white

noun as in officer

noun as in line drawing

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Artists Under Hitler successfully manages to add some grey to the generally black-and-white conversation about Nazis and art.

This whole thing about a black-and-white culture of knee-jerk reactions is reinforced by television.

The second question was about viewing the world in strictly black-and-white (or red-and-blue) terms.

They are grainy, low-resolution black-and-white pictures, more scruff than science.

Having sufficiently wet ourselves, we viewers are left with a chilling, black-and-white image of blood circling the shower drain.

So Regis Brugiere stole Jim, the black-and-white setter, and concealed him well.

There were two black-and-white arched stripes across the forehead, and a yellow curving line across each cheek under the eye.

Gibson was perfectly at home in black-and-white, but rarely (and feebly) used colours.

Then the phrase, like a black-and-white flower, rolled back its thundering petals, and the masterpiece was born.

Most birds of the waterside seem to find that black-and-white feathers make a good disguise.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


