noun as in origin
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The book was first published anonymously, and its authorship is consequently uncertain, though usually attributed to a minor poet and litterateur named Wu Cheng’en.
In her scrutinization of authorship, Rekdal points to bigger questions surrounding whiteness, identity and empathy.
It’s very complicated, the concept of authorship when you’re documenting people’s lives during very difficult moments.
In the future, allowing authors to self-identify for studies of gender and authorship in a range of fields would likely produce more correct gender data and allow researchers to identify as nonbinary or non-gender-conforming.
Now we cover author and site reputation, completeness of content, transparency of authorship and negativity as signals Bing uses in rankings.
For a pair such as Viola and Perov, who have co-created work for decades, there is also precedent for retroactive co-authorship.
Then last weekend the Sunday Times broke the story of her authorship, and Rowling quickly fessed up.
Well, did he look into the authorship question at the time, when he was made aware?
One may just as well claim authorship of the Treaty of Versailles.
As well as claiming co-authorship with Proust of Remembrance of Time Past.
It was literary in so far that the majority of its members lay down at night with unrealised dreams of authorship.
Were any further confirmation needed for Massingers authorship, the metrical tests would supply it, with their 36 per cent.
These opportunities in my case were to be the authorship of an epoch-making novel, or a great drama, or some similar masterpiece.
When the volumes 175 arrived in Ireland, there was no room for doubt as to the authorship of “Jane Eyre.”
Secrets have a bad time of it in our day, and the authorship of the article is no longer a secret.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.