
View definitions for anarchic


adjective as in nihilistic

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This results in a “freer” or “more anarchic and less organized” kind of brain activity, according to neuroscientist Mendel Kaelen, the founder and CEO of Wavepaths, an app that creates music for psychedelic therapy.

She coined a term for herself, that she was an “anarchic humanist.”

The assemblage didn’t make a whole lot of visual sense, but it had a kind of anarchic beauty to it.

It all unfolded in anarchic, disorganized fashion because 2001’s Internet was a wild place.

Travelers who feel particularly anarchic can ride a bike, as I did, and explore the main road for as long as they like.

They also have a truly American love for freedom, even anarchic freedom.

Yet it is these very anarchic groups that the Second Amendment was incorporated to subdue.

The universe is anarchic and doesn't care about us and unfortunately, there's no greater rhyme or reason as to why it would be me.

The India Kapur reveals at times seems anarchic, lawless in some ways.

He sees, in the anarchic Wall Street encampment, a sign of a grassroots revolt against austerity economics.

It was supposed to be democratic, but it sometimes bordered on the anarchic.

Everywhere the usual anarchic quarrels rose among the rebels, and the country was plundered mercilessly.

Discipline yourselves, wisely, in all kinds; more and more, till there be no anarchic fibre left in you.

The old and anarchic system of Dublin Castle seems to be definitely doomed.

He prefers to use the epithet "anarchic" to designate political liberalism, which he combats.


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