noun as in comforts
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The amenities include a fitness room, a sauna, a beauty parlor, and a karaoke setup.
The plane was overflowing with a cornucopia of luxury food and amenities, as if destined for Paris.
There are no signs of The Cathedral's notorious five-star amenities.
The new Justice Minister, Eduardo Mendoza, was shown photos of the posh amenities that had slowly been brought into the prison.
El-Hamdi was told that he could make even more money by charging extra cash for simple amenities like food, water and lifejackets.
The graces and amenities of life can exist without reference to future rewards and punishments.
She appeared as much at ease as most young ladies who are accustomed to the amenities of society.
But her flow of small talk, the conversational stop-gap of the woman accustomed to social amenities, went on placidly.
Whatever knowledge he had of the amenities of life had almost been forgotten.
All the amenities of life contribute to existence, not to life itself.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.